Ministerio de Educación lanza App para el repaso de Pruebas Nacionales

Los contenidos de esta aplicación han sido facilitados por la Dirección de Pruebas Nacionales del MINERD y seguirán siendo revisados y por dicha instancia.

Claudia Rita Abreu, Directora General de Informática Educativa, resaltó que esta nueva aplicación, es un apoyo a las clínicas, mediante la cual los estudiantes de octavo grado y cuarto de bachillerato pueden repasar sus materias.

“Tiene preguntas múltiples, un escenario muy parecido con la realidad, y eso le va a servir para medir y ver su nivel en la materia que están repasando, además, los estudiantes pueden elegir si van a responder los cuestionarios a modo guiado o modo normal, en este último, al final de completarlos, los estudiantes pueden verificar donde fallaron y obtener la respuesta adecuada para su aprendizaje”, expuso la funcionaria.

Abreu agregó como ventaja de esta herramienta es que al ser móvil se puede usar en la casa, en la playa, en cualquier lugar. Esto –destacó la especialista en informática- les ayudará a agilizar la mente y entusiasmará al estudiantado.

Estamos seguros que los y las estudiantes se van a alegrar mucho con este servicio que ponemos a su beneficio a modo gratuito. Ya se puede descargar para celulares y tabletas Android en el PlayStore con el nombre «Pruebas Nacionales Dominicanas» y en 15 días estará disponible para iPhone en el AppStore. Tenemos Información disponible en, el portal educativo oficial del MINERD.

La funcionaria de Educación anunció que también están dando los toques finales a la aplicación denominada GeoRD, para ser lanzada en el transcurso de la Semana de la Geografía que comienza el próximo 20 de abril, con la que los estudiantes y la población en general podrán interactuar con la geografía dominicana de manera pedagógica.

Claudia Rita Abreu, destacó que con esta, la cartera educativa habrá lanzado tres aplicaciones para beneficio de los estudiantes. La primera lanzada al mercado fue Duarte en tu Móvil, con todo lo relacionado a la historia del patricio Juan Pablo Duarte.

Buenos resultados

Cuenta Claudia Rita que la aplicación Duarte en tu móvil, lanzada en pasado enero, ha tenido muy buena acogida, “y para nosotros es algo que nos llena de orgullo, pues sabemos que con esto hemos y estamos haciendo buenos aportes a la educación dominicana”.

Sin embargo, informó que no se dormirán en sus laureles y que en las próximas jornadas de verano reforzarán las capacitaciones a los maestros para que los docentes conozcan mejor de esta herramienta y puedan utilizarla en sus clases.

Evaluación Modo Guiado, en esta modalidad los estudiantes podrán ir revisando sus respuestas pregunta por pregunta.

Evaluación Modo Normal, el estudiante toma la prueba y al final proporciona los resultados de la materia seleccionada.

A continuación te mostramos un paso a paso de cómo instalar la app en tu móvil Android (en 15 días aproximadamente para iOS):

1. Accede a la Play Store.


2. Pulsa la lupa en la esquina superior derecha.



3. Escribe ‘Pruebas Nacionales Dominicanas’ y pulsa la tecla de ‘enter’ en el teclado.

InstalarPruebas NacionalesApp3-427x320


4. Pulsa el app en la lista con el nombre ‘Pruebas Nacionales Dominicanas’ y debajo de este ‘Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana’. Si no puedes verla entre los primeros resultados, pulsa el ‘ver más’ verde que está al lado de ‘Aplicaciones’.



5. Pulsa ‘instalar’ y luego ‘aceptar’.


InstalarPruebasNacionales3App-250x320 aaa

6. ¡Listo, ya puedes utilizar Pruebas Nacionales Dominicanas para ir mejor preparado a las Pruebas Nacionales! Ahora sólo tienes que abrir la aplicación. Puedes abrirla desde la pantalla de instalación o desde tu lista de aplicaciones.

224 comentarios en «Ministerio de Educación lanza App para el repaso de Pruebas Nacionales»

  1. Hace mucho que dice de los 15dias para App Store sigo esperando que salga por favor trabajar en eso porque es más cómodo que la página de internet

  2. A ver si en serio quieren que uno estudie,saquen la app para iPhone tambien….pónganla en la App Store

  3. si es un buen logro pero no todos pueden tener unos aparato electrónico y aquellos que apena cuentan con un computador en sus casa sabiendo la pobreza que hay en nuestro país hay de aquellos padre no le puedan dar una Tablet o un Ipad a sus hijos

  4. Estoy en total acuerdo con lo Qq dices asiendonos perder el tiempo y solo para app. No todos tenemos una app otros tenemos otros y no podemos estudiar así

  5. es injusto, la aplicacion no es compatible con mi cel y por eso tengo desventaja con los demas estudiantes de 4to y para colmo no nos dan ni los cuadernillos para poder esrudiar

  6. Hola Marlenys también puede practicar desde tu pc y laptop, entrando a la sección estudiantes de este mismo portal.

  7. Enserio aun no puedo descargar esta aplicación porque mil cel es phone . hagan algo urgente para los estudiantes que tiene phone. Please?

  8. Déjeme decirles que esa pagina tiene demasiados errores porque si sacas una respuesta mala en modo guiado te la ponen buena pero en la descripción de aparece la que en realidad es. Entonces eso esta muy mal porque cualquiera puede confundirse

  9. Esa app no funciona siempre te sale correcto no la recomiendooo yo la tengoo y no funciona ,bueno talvez a otros le funciones pero lo bueno es que te da ideas de lo que pueden dar

  10. Hecho tengo que aceptarl hecho es un glavisimo error que deben arreglar y si no que lanzen por que en cuanto pase la pruba de 8 grado lo borro

  11. Si se puede en la pc solo tienes que poner clínicas de las pruebas nacionales y te aparece y en esa página te explican como hacerlo

  12. hola yo queria que me dieran mas informacion de que si aun hay tiempo para tomar dicha prueba por que tengo dos materia pendiente matematica 2 puntos y naturales 1 puntos de 8vo del años 95.

  13. De verdad les quiero agradecer por esta aplicación tan buena y que ayuda a los estudiantes a estudiar mas, ya que salimos a todos lados con nuestros teléfonos celulares!!!! GRACIAS!!!!

  14. amigos urgente ya mañana comienzan las pruebas y quiero saber si esa app esta actualizada por que salio en 2013 y quiero saber si la an actualizado gracias

  15. Esa App es una perdida de tiempo me pase el mes estudiando de ella y no salio de Español, nada ni en el 1er cuadernillo ni en el 2do.

  16. Si se puede es que la pagina ha estado en mantenimiento, pero te recomiendo no estudiar de la pagina ni la app ya que no estan actualizadas y no ha salido nada al menos en Español.

  17. Un asco de aplicación, y un asco de pagina, una perdida de tiempo total, nada de lo que esta en la pagina sale en las pruebas :p

  18. She started drug treatment and entered transitional housing, then permanent housing. She also got a part time job. Medina De Chase. An Introduction to Spanish for Health Care Workers: Communication. Community Health Systems Inc., which operates 206 hospitals, including five in the Philadelphia region, said its computer systems were subject to a cyber attack in April and June. The stolen information was nonmedical patient identification data for about 4.5 million people who had contact with physicians affiliated with Community Health, which is based in Franklin, Tenn., the company said in a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission.Good day, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the Quarter 1 2013 Lincoln Educational Services Earnings Conference Call. My name is Angela, and I will be your operator for today. The head of the department of child and family studies at Swinburne University of Technology, Clare Forbes, said any cleaning duties for child care workers needed to be directly related to children. Staff to child ratios were a minimum standard, she said, and excessive cleaning could effectively take workers away from children..

  19. If there ever was a time for any major organisation board of directors to listen carefully to their Chief Information Officer (CIO) and Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) that time has now arrived. Call an emergency board meeting and please pay close attention to the advice of your CIO and CISO in regard to online security matters.

  20. A student was jailed for claiming that cancer had killed eight village officials in Yunnan. A third was detained for writing that a Chinese jet had crashed.. Even so, there have been a lot of improvements to the gym and to the overall management and outside the childcare the atmosphere has improved. The new front desk employees seem much nicer, the equipment has been working, and the employees have been more attentive thanks to the new overall gym manager switch.

  21. amigos,compañeros calmense que no son los unicos que estan preocupados por las pruebas toda la republica lo esta

  22. Payments made to dependants after a worker dies from a work related injury or disease are normally lump sum payments. Any increases or decreases in pay that would have been paid are paid despite the injury. It makes economic sense, says Pungello, who points out that when the study participants turned 21, FPG researchers performed a cost benefit analysis that showed for every $1 spent on quality child care, society saved $2.50. The savings were attributed to fewer delays in school, less need for special education and fewer children having to repeat grades.I don feel I am helped with this.And what is MS accused for, to give You a browser togheter with its OS? Because no one else do that, right?This is an approach that could have made sense when we used DOS, today an OS without a browser is not something that You can sell to consumers. How would You install the browser You want if You don have a browser in Your OS? I suppose You would have to walk to the shop and buy a CD with the browser, wait, do I have to buy a browser too?I wonder what the EC should plan in the face of the tendency to «put all that is supposed to be installed in my OS in my very own store» (and don tell people the store isn the World).Considering this seems to be everyone plan (or at least desire), putting into the OS a browser that can be replaced the moment we fire that OS up is something really endangering our freedom?I suppose that if we want to bash MS we can do better than using this argument.»Are they really that dumb over there they can do it on their own? I mean how hard is it really?»Well in Europe, where the choice was offered, in June 2010 the stats on browser usage from AT Internet Institute showed IE with a 53.8% share, Firefox 30.6%, Safari and Chrome with 6.8% and 5.7% respectively.There are no directly comparable US stats for the same time period.But Global stats for Jun 2010 from StarOwl haveIE on 63.37%Firefox 21.26%Safari 8.52% and Chrome 6.24%So, in the rest of the world, where the availability of choice wasn made clear IE retained a higher usage share, and Firefox seemed to suffer for it but, but Chrome did better if marginally and Safari did quite considerably better, but perhaps Apple has a larger share of the market outside of the EU than within, I don know and haven checked..Something needs to be done there and then, even if it is a home programme. This, I think, is what will make this block challenging for me. City, state and other local governments are spending more than $12 billion on projects for the Olympics in Rio. Nearly $500 million was spent to renovate Maracana stadium in Rio for the World Cup even though the venue already went through a significant face lift before the 2007 Pan American Games.

  23. Getting older, and in another 10 years I going to need one of these girls to look after me, said Gay, 72, a Polk County, Fla., resident who speaks at area high school career days. But it not always an easy choice to advocate, she said. The rumours stemmed from an anonymous online statement, apparently attributed to hacking group LulzSec, claiming that they had acquired the census and had details of single citizen we reported at the time, there were many reasons to be sceptical about the claim veracity it differed in style from other LulzSec announcements, and was not linked to from the group Twitter account. LulzSec themselves subsequently denied having anything to do with the statement.

  24. Datawatch is headquartered in Chelmsford, Massachusetts with offices in New York, London, Munich, Stockholm, Singapore, Sydney and Manila, and with partners and customers in more than 100 countries worldwide. Safe Harbor Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 Any statements contained in this press release that do not describe historical facts may constitute forward looking statements as that term is defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.

  25. Limit my search to /r/IAmAuse the following search parameters to narrow your results:see the search faq for details. It runs in my family (from my mother line) yet no one boasts having it past high school, or as bad. Beginners start off with the Motion (shown), which has a conventional 11 mm heel drop. Once you adapt to the shoe, graduate to the 7 mm drop of the Gazelle and finally to the practically barefoot 4 mm Adapt.

  26. At the end of January thousands of residents fled as fighting broke out in Leer, the home town of rebel leader and former Vice President Riek Machar. MSF, which has worked in Leer for 25 years, evacuated staff while 240 others fled into the bush. «He said ‘I need to speak to your dad’ and I said I was sorry, he had died four years earlier. He said ‘I’m going to Brazil.’ He said he was coming back in six months and that he would come to see me and Pat because he needed to sort a wrong and to speak to somebody.».With digital security becoming an increasingly important issue, it is important to use an IT support Melbourne staff for any audits or analytics. They can find in the security of your network servers or payment processing platforms that may otherwise be exploited should a occur.

  27. And there is very little room for flexibility. If we had more funding than perhaps we could pay more, but that’s something that’s not possible because we just don’t get enough funding to cover that. 28 triggered a more drastic Internet shutdown that partially continues to this day and threw information technology staff in both departments into crisis mode as officials scrambled for a fix without clear guidelines as to who was in charge. Around the crisis needs to change, wrote Marie McDonald, a senior bureaucrat within Treasury Board in the aftermath of the attacks.NAKA uses Hernandez Rojas’s chilling story as a starting point for an improvisatory discourse on racial relations and political power in Oakland. Off the Grid is sort of like a food court for nomads, gatherings of extreme culinary variety, with live music and full bars.

  28. So, if someone asked, we would often call in a professional, someone trained to do that. It known as the resident visit Daily Mail reports Barrow also hired stripper who previously gave a deaf and blind man a lap dance during a Royal Society of Medicine conference on sex and disability..

  29. The information covers everything from how to handle power outages to tips for farmers whose land was damaged. Today during the college’s Family Weekend. Here’s the thing: Once you establish a solid routine and schedule with the necessary boundaries to be productive and happy, telecommuting is wonderful. I’ve been a work at home employee more than five years and I can honestly say that I can’t imagine working any other way.

  30. The product will be assembled in Texas, include components made in Illinois and Florida, and rely on equipment produced in Kentucky and Michigan, said Tim Cook to the Senate committee, reports AllThingsD web site. Is a joint project with Foxconn Electronics, the world largest contract manufacturer of electronics equipment.

  31. Yukiya Amano, director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency, is quoted in a recent Der Spiegel interview as saying, «Iran is a difficult case. We still know too little about Tehran’s nuclear activities. An estimated 1,500 members, of 4,600 present, cast online ballots onsite and more than 5,000 did so across the country. More than 55,000 voted ahead of time.

  32. These methods will vary depending on the audience and circumstances but may include; presentations, interactive discussions and non verbal communication. Each method can be used singularly or together with others to find the best way to communicate in a way that supports equality and diversity.

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  34. Closing these gaps should provide significant relief to an economy reeling from massive layoffs, diminishing opportunities for college graduates seeking to carve their career paths, and parents seeking to restore a second income to support their households. At this difficult time in our economy, it makes sense to learn about and encourage the opportunities that abound in the health related professions.Admittedly, joining these professions usually requires additional education and training, and that can be daunting for some.

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  37. According to the video, individuals with factitious disorder or factitious disorder by proxy are aware of what they are doing. They know that they are displaying a socially unacceptable behavior of faking illness but they do not know why they are doing it.

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  39. In a statement released Tuesday, airline ASKY said it was temporarily halting flights not only to Monrovia but also to Freetown, Sierra Leone. Flights will continue to the capital of the third major country where people have died Guinea though passengers departing from there will be «screened for signs of the virus.».

  40. Patient P1 had received varicella immunoglobulin about 4 months before infection. Retrospective testing of this immunoglobulin batch by HCV RNA PCR gave negative results. The identity of those responsible for the attack has not been confirmed, but activists allied to the loose knit Anonymous movement had threatened to target federal Public Safety Minister Vic Toews and others over the Harper government surveillance bill. The chiefs had supported the legislation.

  41. Kim Jong un’s ascendancy was signaled clearly on Monday with the announcement that he would be in charge of funeral arrangements for his father, who was known as the «Dear Leader.» The initial mourning period will end on December 29 after which North Korea is likely to retreat into a backstage power struggle whose outcome is far from clear. State Department..

  42. Protein allows the body to produce more lean muscle, which burns more fat calories. Whey protein is the best way to add protein to a diet. She has been a member of the Buffalo Niagara New York State Women Inc. For seven years and was the chapter president from 2010 12.

  43. Beefing up security would be cumbersome, she added, but unavoidable given the need to secure payment systems. The Citi breach, coupled with other recent incidents, adds up to a really bad picture,» Litan said. Your third point takes my comment out of context. I made a simple statement that I would rather pay $1 to an insurance company than in taxes.But the machines will be more vulnerable to cyber robbers wielding malware and other attacks as time goes on.Some of those aging machines will be upgraded to Windows 7 yes, the 4 year old software, rather than the far newer versions on today’s computers. But few ATMs are even capable of that, said Aravinda Korala, chief executive officer of ATM software provider KAL.»The ATM world is not really ready, and that’s not unusual,» he told Bloomberg.

  44. Related From the Google blog post: «We’re announcing a new project that’s a natural extension of Google Chrome the Google Chrome Operating System. Government sites. The organizational goal I set for myself wasto manage my time better, which includes turning in work on time and not working on homework at the last minute. I know I did achieve this goal because I neverturned in a single assignment late.

  45. We looking to provide a means for the improved physical and mental health of anyone and everyone who needs it. I believe that modern medicine is already doing that. A meeting was scheduled for Thursday between civil rights leaders and police.Officers from multiple departments in riot gear have clashed nightly with protesters, with police sometimes aiming weapons at them from armored trucks.Two reporters said they were detained by police for not clearing out quickly enough from a McDonald’s where they were working, near the protests but away from the more volatile areas. The two, who work for The Washington Post and The Huffington Post, were released without any charges.

  46. The plan called for subs to strike military targets on the Chinese coast, and then to return to the Hawaiian islands where air defenses were still in operation. All but one of the ships involved in the attack returned to Hawaii; with only the USS Alaska being sunk by Chinese attack submarines, killing the entire crew..

  47. Received the report, nothing major, Luc Parson, chief of information technology security for the Treasury Board, wrote in a Jan. 25 email. Recently, I spent most of a week traveling with her to three major cities in Asia, and she was publicly very positive on the School and all of our activities. I personally appreciate her efforts over the past two years to engage with the University community and to help us achieve our goals..

  48. ON IT, A COMPUTERIZED VOICE THREATENS THE DEPARTMENT AND AN OFFICER INVOLVED IN THE ARREST OF A CALEDONIA MAN LAST MONTH. WE SHOWED YOU THIS VIDEO LAST WEEK, A GREEN BAY OFFICER PUNCHING A SUSPECT WHILE ARRESTING HIM OUTSIDE A BAR. Marengo, a spokeswoman for the city Health and Hospitals Corporation, said that there had been no shootings in the system 11 hospitals in recent history, and that violence has not been a problem inside our hospitals. She referred questions about crime statistics to the Police Department, and police officials could not immediately provide such figures..Donches always has said the more than $10 million included $1.4 million in promised pledges and a $4.5 million state grant, but last week he acknowledged that it also included all of the money spent on the project since 1998. That amounts to more than $3.3 million already spent on design, engineering and staff salaries..

  49. Still, there is reason to be scared. In Africa, Ebola is moving from person to person, crossing borders, and has already killed more than 700 people with hundreds more in quarantine. The Community is also an excellent first line of support for solving challenging visualization problems,» he said. This ability to perform visual discovery against any data sets Datawatch apart in the big data and visualization markets.

  50. The internet and online discussion extends the lifespan of articles past their initial publication and consumption by readers, and into a post read phase, where conversation takes place in comment threads, social media and elsewhere. The online space means that, as a recent World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN IFRA) report put it, readers feel a greater right to contribute in an «environment that is becoming increasingly more dialogue based than one way»..

  51. By Webster G. Tarpley Google is now preparing to leave China as a result of this company’s stubborn refusal to obey Chinese laws. Update your antivirus software Time and again, when I hear from people whose PCs are infected with malware, it’s because they let their security software subscription lapse. Paid products like Norton and McAfee do continue to run on your PC even if you don’t pay the annual subscription fee, but they lose their ability to protect against any new threats.

  52. But what he has not done as Tigers manager is falter. His team is an imperfect group, for sure. And just as any manager, subject to the scrutiny of 162 games, will make decisions that neither please fans nor leave him 100 percent confident about his judgment, Ausmus has been a match for his roster in 2014.

  53. Of course, reading Mr. Thompson recent offerings to the Express reveal something of a consistency of their own. Some years ago, when he was on the staff of the Express as a reporter, Mr. Thompson did actual reporting, most notably one of the firstf not the firstn depth expos of Dr. Yusef Bey Your Black Muslim Bakery. Immediately after the local buyout of the Express a year or so ago, Mr. Thompson left the paper and moved to New York to work for the Village Voice, the flagship paper of the media corporation that had owned the Express for a bit. After a little while, his name dropped off the list of Village Voice staffmembers, however, and his stories stopped appearing.And I always thought any motorized or non motorized vehicle on the road had to have lights, blinkers. What I can wrap my mind around is why people would want to ride their bikes in the road anyway even if we allowed to, its stupid. Drivers in this area are horrible for the most part don get me wrong but we don need bikes to make it that much worse. And they the ones taking the risk so I have no sympathy for most of them when they get hit by a car.

  54. 42 percent of respondents said the Target breach had a greater impact on their security budgets. 31 percent said the Target breach had a greater influence on their executives security awareness. 22 percent said targeted threats had a greater impact on their security budget. «We all tend to be swayed by the most recent information security events,» Dwayne Melancon, Tripwire chief technology officer, said in a prepared statement. «The responses to this survey are consistent with that behavior, and it a reminder that we all tend to relax our vigilance and become complacent over time. Instead of focusing on the latest breach headlines, I recommend that each organization focus on the equivalent of the Target breach for their specific business. This approach helps to focus resources on events that would inflict the most brand and customer damage.»The way in which copies are obtained, and how they subsequently move about, is a key determinant of RPC. In principle, copies which are first read in home, and stay there until they are disposed of, accrue fewer pass on readers (and therefore have a lower RPC) than copies that are passed on to other households, or those that are circulated in workplaces or displayed in other public places. Certain actions by publishers concerning the distribution of copies can therefore affect the level of RPC, for example promoting the circulation of copies in workplaces could in some cases lead to an increase in RPC.

  55. Journalist get more readers when they report drama. The plain simple fact is that Halsey is trying to maintain America’s history for future generations. It seems he has been hit absurdly hard by the economic crisis. None of these hardships were his fault, and he is doing his best to repay everyone. Do you really think he enjoys the scathing articles? Consider how you would feel if someone published an article every time you missed a payment. Of course he wants to pay what he rightfully owes. The people who immorally try to steal from him don’t deserve the money, period. The people who condemn him as a «spoiled rich kid» fail to realize that he is actually creating jobs and trying to keep alive the history and culture that he admires. Halsey is a proven businessman who has created jobs, and I fully expect him to bounce back with a positive impact!The wind is expected to increase making it feel even colder. The coldest air of the season will arrive Wednesday into Thursday. The high on Thursday will only be 20 degrees.Cell phone ban in NYC schools to be liftedCell phone ban in NYC schools to be liftedUpdated: Wednesday, January 7 2015 7:42 AM EST2015 01 07 12:42:35 GMTStudents in New York City’s public schools will soon be allowed to carry their cell phones and mobile devices without fear of punishment or fines.

  56. Thus the UK, with total debts of five times GDP, manages to retain its AAA rating and have 10 year debt trading at below 2 per cent, while France, with debts of only three and a half times GDP, lost its AAA rating and, even ahead of the downgrade, had 10 year debt trading at more than 3 per cent.

  57. It a rare mild start this morning in the east while West River is on the cold side. After some good snowfall totals from the past 36 hours, the Black Hills picked up some additional morning snow. There is also a persistent area of lighter snow in the northeast corner, including Aberdeen.»Our idea: What is the best way to get instant recognition? Buy the best name in the space. and hope to expand advertising across the country.They returned to the idea that led them there in the first place and tackled it head on. Some job boards offer a premium service for more money just to sift through all the resumes and clutter.»They are creating a service out of their own confusion,» Pilfold says.

  58. The USD has not been spared as the dollar declined sharply versus the major currencies in Asian trading and extended losses into the European session. The EUR/USD moved above 1.45 for the first time since July 5, crossing the falling resistance line from the May and July highs. The euro recovery against the dollar may have scope to the June high near 1.4700. Support is seen at Friday and Monday lows of 1.4325.

  59. And in many ways he’s earned it: His mix of caution and aggression has thus far avoided major military disasters (an underrated virtue in presidents), prevented major terror attacks and put an end to America’s most infamous foe.But that’s a provisional judgment, contingent on events to come. The Obama way of statecraft has offered a plausible course correction after the debacles of the Bush era, but the ripples from many of his biggest choices to leave Iraq outright, to surge and then withdraw in Afghanistan, to intervene more forcefully in Libya than in Syria are still spreading, and the ultimate success of those policies is still very much in doubt.Foreign policy is always a balancing act, in which no ideological system can guarantee success, and no effective action is without cost.

  60. Think at the end of the day, really, what this is about is making our fans feel like their support has been worthy. Indeed, this moment has been a long time coming for the band many ardent fans.

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  75. Necesitan aumentar el banco de preguntas, porque en mi curso se memorizan las preguntas porque se repiten. Existe un bug que consiste en que cuando respondo bien me sale mal y la justificación sale incorrecta.

  76. Jeniar eso está bien es mejor así , Por cómo quiera cuándo uno La tomar no aceptan, niovil, entonse estoi de acuerdo que los estudiantes puedan tomar esa modo de forma.

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