Es el momento oportuno para hacerlo ya que en 2015 la comunidad internacional examinará las razones de la incapacidad de alcanzar los Objetivos de Desarrollo respecto a la educación y establecerá nuevos objetivos y estrategias
Según las estimaciones mundiales más recientes, unos 120 millones de niños de 5 a 14 años de edad se encuentran en situación de trabajo infantil; en este grupo de edad, los niños de ambos sexos son afectados casi por igual.
La persistencia del trabajo infantil tiene sus raíces en la pobreza, la falta de trabajo decente para los adultos, la falta de protección social y la incapacidad para asegurar la asistencia de los niños a la escuela hasta la edad mínima legal de admisión al empleo.
La Internacional de la Educación para América Latina (IEAL) se suma a la celebración del Día Mundial contra el Trabajo Infantil, haciendo un llamado a todas las organizaciones sindicales de la educación a profundizar en la defensa y fortalecimiento de la Educación Pública de calidad.
La Educación Pública de calidad es el instrumento para garantizar la erradicación del trabajo infantil por constituirse en la única oportunidad que tienen las niñas y niños de estudiar y consecuentemente promover un estilo de desarrollo social con equidad y contribuir a resolver la pobreza.
Para la Internacional de la Educación las principales líneas de acción, tanto para sindicatos como para gobiernos, son los siguientes.
Acciones de Fortalecimiento Institucional:
- Promover espacios de sensibilización y formación sindical sobre las causas del trabajo infantil.
- Interpelar a los Ministerios de Educación para que promuevan frente a sus gobiernos una política educativa pública de calidad y que en ese marco se desarrollen programas para erradicar el trabajo infantil;
- Establecer junto con otras organizaciones que forman parte de la IEAL redes de intercambio de información, debate y posicionamiento común sobre el tema;
- Contribuir a la investigación y difusión de información sobre deserción escolar y su relación con el trabajo infantil.
- Elaborar y distribuir material apropiado que trate el problema del trabajo infantil.
Acciones ante el Estado:
- Demandar la constitución, funcionamiento y participación de los sindicatos de educación en los Comités Nacionales por la Erradicación del Trabajo Infantil los cuales son compromisos asumidos por los gobiernos frente a la Organización Internacional del Trabajo.
- Exigir al Estado incluir una política para la erradicación del trabajo infantil en la política educativa.
- Reclamar un porcentaje de la cooperación para el desarrollo, fortalecimiento y dedicada a mejorar la calidad de la enseñanza pública primaria pública, conforme fue establecido en los acuerdos de Dakar por parte de los gobiernos.
- Demandar la Ratificación de los Tratados Internacionales relativos al Trabajo Infantil, así como el Convenio 138 de la OIT que especifica la edad laboral mínima.
- Demandar al Estado servicios sanitarios y alimentación para menores que asisten a la escuela, educación para adultos, formación técnico-profesional y programas de empleo.
«But as others realized that,» he adds, «they began looking for ways to degrade that capability. How do I disrupt the data? How do I disrupt the communications? How do I monkey with GPS? And so, we have countries out there big and small who work every day to figure out how to break DOD’s [Department of Defense] informational advantage.».
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And until we recognize that, and (1) require credentialing and (2) pay them in relation to the
restrictions. Accordingly, there are 3.35 million (16.9% of the population) people 60 years old and
Much like a rapid succession of power plants going dark in a cyber attack (or so we might imagine), brand China took a licking from a string of Western media articles as this past week dawned. All the «clips» pointed to nefarious activity originating on the mainland and targeting the Free World..What about passwords? you use a single word a hacker can guess it in about three minutes or less with a dictionary attack! the attacker has one password how many accounts does he have access to, or do you use different passwords for every account? you click a link in an email or on a website, there is a high probability it could be a virus that silently downloads in the background. It is game over and no password in the world will protect you! that virus happens to be a «keylogger» virus, then the hacker is now collecting every single keystroke of your computer, to include passwords, account numbers, social security numbers, everything!If you believe you will never get hacked or suffer a data breach, you are in good company with many other individuals and business owners who have been convinced they are secure.
You’re more than half of our college graduates, and master’s graduates, and PhDs. (Applause.) So you’ve got us outnumbered. SIEGEL: It’s Andy Stern, president of the Service Employees International Union. No quotes from the materials contained herein may be used in any media without attribution to NPR.
of Flint, Michigan, California State Polytechnic University at Pomona, Dakota State University,
From a real estate perspective, accurate and precise property pricing is still tantamount to selling success. Fortunately, local inventories are beginning to diminish as well something that is very important to regaining health in our markets. The average sale price of area properties has fallen significantly in the last 12 months, and both the average number of Days on Market (DOM) and the number of listed properties that have not sold have both risen when compared to the first half of last year. Remember, 2008 was not what anyone would call a banner year, so these statistics all suggest that the real estate markets of the Grand Traverse area are still struggling to find the bottom.
Senator Winder is right and the bill should be passed. To support marijuana use in any form except a very narrow medical application, you must be (A) Brain Dead, (B) Addicted or (C) a typical low information individual. If you need pain medications that bad, there are other drugs to provide relief under medical supervision. If your condition is that bad and you work, you have become a liability and should find a way to leave work until cured or get on to pain management with something safer. There are over 400 chemicals in a marijuana smoke affecting all parts of the body and brain. It should never be allowed in any workplace, public area or on roadways and never accessible to the youth of our country. Cigarettes are a 20:1 certainty of being a carcinogen, do you want to add more by hooking more via smoking a product with more health hazards. Medicinal marijuana and all its 400 plus chemical cocktail elements is a totally bad actor and should never be allowed in the workplace even if legal in that State. The particulate phase (tar) constituents of marijuana and tobacco smoke are also generally similar, with the major exception that marijuana contains tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and scores of other llIC like (cannabinoid) compounds not found in tobacco, while tobacco tar contains nicotine not found in marijuana. With regard to the carcinogenic potential of marijuana, it is noteworthy that the tar phase of marijuana smoke contains many of the same carcinogenic compounds contained in tobacco smoke, including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, such as benz[a]pyrene, which was recently identified as a key factor promoting human lung cancer. Preliminary findings suggest that marijuana smoke activates cytochrome P4501A1, the enzyme that converts polycyclic hydrocarbons, such as benz[a]pyrene, into active carcinogens.»You can only buy the front wheel drive model in conjunction with the six speed manual ‘box, but to be honest, the five speed auto is a bit of a weak link so that’s no great hardship. Most will probably opt for the improved torque and economy of diesel power and here you get a choice between a front wheel drive 120PS 1.6 i DTEC diesel or the punchier 2.2 litre i DTEC diesel engine.
Bilingual teaching programs have proven to be effective. Realistically, it is not possible for a fluently bilingual student to be disadvantaged. It was reported that «students in developmental bilingual programs which featured a gradual transition to English significantly outperformed their counterparts in quick exit, transitional bilingual programs and in all English immersion programs when all three groups were tested in English» (Ramirez et al., 1991, para. 7).
Jackson and his colleagues at Duke have done numerous studies over the last few years that looked at whether gas drilling is contaminating nearby drinking water, with mixed results. None has found chemical contamination but they did find evidence that natural gas escaped from some wells near the surface and polluted drinking water in northeastern Pennsylvania.These perceptions were probably heightened by Ealing’s excellent, unbeaten record in the nine games played so far this year. The draw against Richmond had put the only dent in the hosts’ armour and Wharfedale had been well beaten in Yorkshire the previous week, leaving Ealing clear league leaders and everyone else playing catch up.
«Brad’s still going through his injury situation. I’m hopeful that he can get back this week,» Packers coach Mike McCarthy said. «Once again, I answer this question all the time, we play with more than 11 guys on offense, defense and special teams. It would be great to have them all back. I’m looking forward to being in that situation.’.
the country itself.Being absolutist here? House has passed a measure that fully funds the government, but seeks to put off for a year the individual mandate to buy health insurance and remove a carve
all of the same state of mind,» Walker said. «Those people need to go. They’re not going to follow by the rules. They have not ever since they have been there, plus all of the things that have gone