¿Por qué no aprovechar la oportunidad de que los más pequeños cuentan con mayor tiempo libre y vivir experiencias con las que podrán aprender mientras lo pasan en grande? Las opciones son muchísimas, por lo que podrás adaptar las actividades a sus gustos y encontrar aquello que realmente les motive.
El objetivo no es sólo evitar el aburrimiento, sino convertirlo en experiencias de aprendizaje no formal, entretenidas y gratificantes, con las que puedan, por ejemplo, practicar durante las vacaciones lo aprendido en el curso escolar. Nosotros queremos proponerte algunas ideas:
Manualidades: Las actividades artísticas son una genial forma de poner en práctica la creatividad, además de tener otros importantes beneficios, como el desarrollo de la autoestima o de la concentración.
Aprender de la naturaleza: El contacto con la naturaleza es básico para el ser humano, y todavía más para los niños y niñas. Las vacaciones son el momento idóneo para que disfruten del medio ambiente, y que aprendan de él de forma natural. Combina recursos divertidos sobre los peces, la comunicación entre animales o el bosque con experiencias directas en las que puedan disfrutar de lo aprendido. ¡Lo recordarán siempre!
Colaborar en casa: Durante el curso, a veces no dejamos que los más pequeños se ocupen de determinadas tareas por falta de tiempo. Ahora es el momento ideal para que aprendan a colaborar en casa y a desarrollar su sentido de la responsabilidad. Hazles partícipes del mantenimiento del hogar, pidiendo su ayuda para alguna de las tareas: limpiar el jardín, hacer galletas, mantener el huerto… ¿Y si decidimos entre todos la nueva decoración de la casa y nos ponemos manos a la obra?
Apps educativas: Son muchas las aplicaciones educativas gratuitas que existen, que combinan entretenimiento con conocimiento, y son una manera genial de practicar lo aprendido en el cole. ¿Conoces El Planeta de los Mimos, sobre educación emocional o Mathbit para pasarlo en grande mientras aprendes matemáticas?. También Children´s Day Map, excelente aplicación para que los más pequeños aprendan en inglés terminos como: los días de la semana, meses, etc.
Recursos para aprender sin darte cuenta, el séptimo arte: Existen además otras formas de que los más pequeños aprendan mientras se divierten, siempre que se elijan los contenidos adecuados. Animaos a disfrutar de películas (puedes trabajar, por ejemplo, diferentes valores con algunas de ellas), de una buena exposición en algún museo, de una divertida obra de teatro…
Actividades sociales: Es importante que los más pequeños aprendan a relacionarse con la comunidad y ser parte de ella. Dado que en las vacaciones cuentan con más tiempo libre, puede ser el momento adecuado para que se impliquen en algunos proyectos sociales. Ir de visita a los centros de día para personas mayores, unirse a una campaña de limpieza de los parques o ayudar a personas extranjeras a aprender el idioma son algunas de las actividades que seguro les aportarán multitud de experiencias.
Leer: Sacar un rato cada día para dedicar a la lectura es una de las mejores cosas que se puede hacer en vacaciones. Lo más importante es que escojan un libro que les motive, que les enganche tanto que les cueste dejarlo en la estantería hasta el día siguiente. Novelas, poesía, cómics…en formato papel o digital, deja que sean ellos quienes elijan su próxima aventura.
Aprovechar los viajes: Cada salida o excursión que hagas en familia puede ser una excelente oportunidad para aprender algo de materias muy diferentes. Al volver a casa, o incluso durante el mismo viaje, puedes ir recopilando la información aprendida y combinándola con recursos educativos relacionados. Investigar sobre el Arte Románico, sobre la Edad Media o sobre las influencias árabes serán excelentes temas en una excursión por poblaciones con Historia.
Aprender a ser independientes: Las vacaciones son un momento ideal para que los más pequeños puedan desarrollar su autonomía, por lo que también es importante que pasen tiempo por su cuenta, solos o con sus amigos. Deja que descubran por sí mismos el mundo, que aprendan a levantarse si se caen y a tomar sus propias decisiones. Sin equivocarse no es posible aprender, ¿verdad?
Disfrutar del deporte: La actividad física es vital para los más pequeños, ya que contribuye tanto al desarrollo de su cuerpo como el de su mente. Busca tiempo para salir a pasear en bici, un partido de fútbol, algo de natación… Echa un ojo a este recurso para saber cómo organizar tus actividades deportivas cada semana.
Y, sobre todo, habla con ellos, disfruta del tiempo juntos, y aprovecha para pasar tiempo en familia. Entre todos, pueden conseguir que estas vacaciones sean inolvidables. ¡Cada momento cuenta!
Buenos días, me gustaría aportar al punto de "Leer" la página Bosque de Fantasías-> http://www.bosquedefantasias.com
Gracias por el artículo!
The county housing market was robust in pre recession 2007, when 1,559 housing starts occurred. The housing bubble burst the next year, and housing starts fell each year from 2008 through 2011, when they hit their expected low point with two thirds fewer housing starts than in 2007.
home care, you can come home from the hospital sooner. Much of the equipment and services that used
No profanity in thread titles or tags. 2. «You can take out certain components and put in others and you have a very powerful weapon that could be used against the electric power grid or any other system that has computers telling machines what to do,» he said. «The best cyber weapon in the world has been spread around for other people to have copies of I think it’s very likely that somebody could do this.».
Jessome said it her job to get the best deal for her members and not worry about how the government will pay for wage increases. The deal means the provincial government will be looking for millions of dollars in the already strained health care budget, but Premier Darrell Dexter says it a fair award for the nurses.The scheme will start out as optional and the cost of the inspections will be borne by the care homes. The commission’s chief executive, Cynthia Bower, said: «CQC’s role is to identify and react to signs that people may be at risk of receiving poor care.
Is going to get through, he said. The problem. You can choose to accept, and make the best of it, or you can choose to «fight» it.IT’S YOUR CHOICE!The Mind, the Body, and the Spirit are one! To hurt one, is to hurt them all. If you choose not to accept the fact that you have Parkinson’s, and after a reasonable period, dwell in anger and self pity you are going to burden your Mind and Spirit as well as your body.Which is only going to make life harder for you.Anger is a natural human emotion, and if not allowed to become a habit, does no great harm.Without getting into the details, let me just say that the impact was extremely serious.Cyber attacks not only endanger lives and property, but they also threaten our economic prosperity. In January, Mike McConnell, former director of National Intelligence, and Michael Chertoff, the former secretary of Homeland Security, said in a Wall Street Journal op ed that cyber espionage is costing the American economy of dollars and millions of jobs.
fighters might take a page from their law enforcement counterparts in the world of bricks and mortar.
«Buildings and grounds, in the past, has been one commissioner, health has been one commissioner, budgets have been one commissioner . and an idea I would like to bring to the board is for all three to be involved and have more one on one with the different departments (that are) under the commissioners,» she said. «We’ll have our individual boards that we’ll be committed to . that we’ll come to our meetings prepared to give a report on.»Schmidt has been working at Flaman Sales for the past three months with the help of two assistants along with his educational assistant Karen DeBore thanks to an off campus work assistance program at Leduc Composite High School (LCHS). Finding a job where Schmidt could complete work with his sight loss wasn’t easy, but thanks to some calls and collaborative work between LCHS and Flaman Sales, Schmidt was able to be part of the working class.
Wow yes u should all now judge me becuase I didn punctuate correctly that lame all I saying is that every one should look at it from a different perspective and be ashamed that you all are condemning him when in fact all should be praying for him I was in the newspaper for running from the cops did that define who I am NO I am not that same person and if you all spent half the time u did on the Internet judging other helping people this world wouldn be so infested with lost souls go volunteer n do some good I over claycord right now I appreciate the news updates but as far as the wack ass comments from the neighbors I over it.While this year hasn been the strongest for Honda with year to date sales up less than 1 percent, sales of its core products, including Accord, CR V and Civic, remain healthy with all three models in the top two of their respective segments.Most Automakers Benefitting from Small Utility Vehicle Growth; GM, Fiat Chrysler Making the Most of Outgoing F SeriesGrowth in the small SUV/crossover segment continues with no end in sight, and Kelley Blue Book expects nearly double digit increases in November.
Oops.CEDA is a nonprofit, so what happened in getting additional funds from CCC, the city Auburn, Emerson and Stardust Foundations, etc.?However, the county and CEDA may be getting some help but not money from the Cayuga County Office of Tourism.After six years, CCOT decided to pay a Syracuse firm $34,000 to do a study on how to boost traffic to tourism attractions throughout the county.This study determined that people didn’t know where or how to get to many of our historical attractions and came up with the idea of providing additional signs pointing tourists in the right direction.However, according to The Citizen article, the CCOT office needs 135 signs to be strategically placed at different locations throughout the county at a cost of take a deep breath $435,500!And please don’t tell us CCOT is going to pull another CEDA like «one stop» funding act here, too?I don’t care whose going to wind up paying for these signs at $3,225.93 per sign even if this includes installation costs.2. Based on the fact that neither defendant had a valid license, that a valid registration could not be produced, and that the defendant Lenny Kerr, the operator, gave conflicting answers during the initial threshold inquiry, the police had justification for the continued detention of the defendants and valid concerns for their own safety. See Commonwealth v. Stampley, 437 Mass. 323, 325 (2002). Under the circumstances, the police had reason to be concerned that the vehicle was stolen. Commonwealth v. Pacheo, 51 Mass. App. Ct. 736, 740 (2001). In these circumstances, an exit order was entirely appropriate. Commonwealth v. Gonsalves, 429 Mass. 658, 662 63 (1999).
The former NCAA National Player of the Year scored 30 points on 10 of 21 shooting in the Kings’ summer league team’s loss to Houston. He hit nine of his final 15 attempts. The highlights (shown right) show he was playing as if he was wearing BYU blue again. Even the cross over, pull up from beyond the 3 point line was dropping.
Tournament held this weekend at Paradise Valley Country Club. Lindsey and Neal shot a 67 on Sunday after recording a 68 on Saturday for a two day total of 135. Entering the finale Sunday eventual
former facility in Streator. The bad thing is the State doesn want to close a nursing home, as there is no place to place residents, thus they were of no help. Karma all I can believe in is Karma that