Food is all around us. It’s what gives us the fuel and energy we need to learn, to work and grow.
Every country, region and place has its own food.
Ask students:
- What’s the typical food we eat in Dominican Republic?
Students may answer in Spanish feel free to help them by using this chart
2. Have students watch this video to introduce food and their names.
These are the foods contained in this short vocabulary video
3. Using the list above have students say each food name. Mix and point to different ones so they can practice saying the names.
4. Ask students to write the food names in their notebook (4 per page)
5. Ask students to bring supermarket newspaper adds to use in class to cut and label food and paste in their notebook if tis is not possible they can draw and color.
6. Educando recommends that teachers continue working on food vocabulary and begin to introduce this new vocabulary in these sentence structures:
I like to eat __________________.
I don’t like to eat ________________.
My favorite food is __________________.
My least favorite food is ________________.
Other activities and learning opportunities can be planned to enrich this topic such as:
- Visit a street fruit vendor and talk about fruit and their names.
- Visit a restaurant and practice ordering a meal.
- Write a shopping list using the vocabulary words about food learned.