Have you seen a clock?
Where have you seen one?
If the anwer is on your wrist, you are wrong.
A clock and a watch both tell time however they are different.
- Print and read this mini book with your students.
2. As you read help students with comprehension by making the following clarifications.
- sun rise (morning)
- sun down (evening)
- sundial (In the Colonial Zone there is a sundial , El reloj del sol)
- shadow (What is a shadow, how or when are shadows formed?)
- Different clocks (grandfather clock, digital watch, pocket clock, analog clock)
3. This a great time to show students how to tell time in English using:
half past
quarter after
4. Draw analog clocks on the board and ask students to tell time. Also write digital times and ask students to read the times.
5. In notebooks students can write numbers 1-5, later the teacher can ask for them to write the time.
Try these examples
- half past four
- five thirty
- three o’clock
- quarter past six
- seven o’clock
Educando recomends that you introduce the concept of noon.
I like to eat lunch at noon.
Use these printable activities as suggested and explained in the instructions.
Print and perform the following activity click here